world's most expensive Paint

Written By Info on Monday, May 9, 2011 | 5:47 AM

Such as a lot of things have replaced with the changing passage of time and innovation has suddenly started a knock on the houses of us all, than usually do not trace back the past things. But since I have been always mentioning that few things in no way loose its taste even of they are very old and so obsolete that they would look weird to use in this time,  yet their charm never gets expire. And this is with every thing we use and we have been using or ancestors used to use.  personally very fond of antique objects similar to most high-priced paint and I guess all people would be too…
Like many things trace back their life from past era, among them paints also get a good rank, paints not that we use in walls, but one which were used in clothes and fabrics. Since there is no fashion of paints since immediately clothes are printed by machines but before they were in vogue. Among they pretty ones the most extravagance and most high priced one is Tyrian purple! It is made with purple peroxide murex,  which is a especial type of sea snail, in addition to one garment peroxide accompanying with pigment required for milking and crushing of 12000 extra snails. This one was used in for emperor and king’s clothing and garment and they used to feel pride right after wearing such cloth. If you attracted to give your look to that of the emperor’s or queens one of Rome than you get its one gram for nearly $4000.


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